Better yet, they are light in weight, allowing you to move around with them quickly. Retrieving your credit cards, IDs and money is also easy since the money clip has a few slots to hold essential items. A money clip allows you to carry the cash in an organized manner conveniently. Instead of stashing wads of cash plainly into your pocket, use men's wallets. So, what is it about these wallets that has made it so popular? Let’s explore some of the benefits of owning a money clip. We have a wide range of money clips, including magnetic and front pocket wallets with money clips. They are slowly replacing the traditional bulky wallets and are some of our best sellers at Alpine Swiss. Are you wondering whether owning a money clip is just a passing trend or is it a style that’s here to stay? Well, money clips has taken the male fashion world by storm. Not only our money clips are stylish, but they are slim and elegant, which gives you a refined look. The minimalist nature of money clips has made a favorite accessory among the modern man. Alpine Swiss has masterly crafted these wallets to have an ergonomic design with a slim profile that fits nicely in your front pocket. Investing in a money clip wallet allows you to carry your cash and other cards conveniently. The practical, slim, and compact style of these wallets make them easy to use and transport within your pant or coat pocket (also check our Bifold Wallets).Īs much as everything is moving towards a cashless economy, you still need to have a couple of bucks with as you move around.

These wallets offer an extra layer of inner lining that blocks RFID skimmers from being able to obtain important information like credit card numbers. You should also consider protecting your information with a slim wallet clip that offers RFID blocking capabilities within the card holder. The many designs and colors will offer just about any money clip wallet you’ll need in order to store your most important everyday items. Find the Best Money Clips for Men at Alpine SwissĮxplore the wide variety of mens money clips at Alpine Swiss. Money clips with card holders can also offer an added level of protection and design that make them both visually stunning and highly capable of being able to protect your personal information with RFID blocking capabilities. The classic and sleek style makes them go with everything, too. Men’s money clips, though, are much easier to store in your pant or coat pockets and make it easy to access your belongings in a hurry. Where bulky traditional folding wallets fail is that they’re not so easy to store in your pocket. Men's Money Clips That Go With Everything